Legal Advice  

Suing for Harassment or Discrimination? Employment Lawyer in California

By: Belal |
employment lawyer in long beach

Don’t let discrimination or harassment at work get the best of you. Always remember that you can take certain steps to protect your rights as an employee. Taking such actions can help prevent any further mistreatment and consequently, improve your situation at work. It can also help prove your case while preserving your right to…

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Legal Advice  

Belal Hamideh Law sabe cómo luchar por usted

By: Belal Hamideh |
belal hamideh law

Lesionarse debido a la negligencia de otra persona lo coloca en una posición muy difícil. Sus lesiones, ya sean leves o graves, pueden interferir con su vida diaria y evitar que trabaje y disfrute del tiempo con su familia. También puede sufrir un trauma emocional y mental que lo atormenta cada día. Con todo esto…

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English, Legal Advice, Workers Compensation  

Reporting a Work Accident and Starting a Workers Compensation Case

By: Belal |

After getting injured at work, a lot of employees are confused, scared and are not sure what they should do. A lot of employees are scared that if they are reporting a work accident to their employer, that their job may be at danger. Under Labor Code 132A, it is illegal for an employer to…

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English, Legal Advice, Workers Compensation  

Permanent disability benefits in workers compensation

By: Belal |

Permanent disability benefits in workers compensation When you sustain an injury at work, the injury can be either temporary or permanent. In workers compensation, you are able to receive medical treatment even if your condition is temporary. When your condition has reached maximum medical improvement, your physician will release you. If you no longer have…

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