Long Beach Catastrophic Injury Attorney

If you sustained a catastrophic injury, reach out to an injury attorney to ensure that you receive all the compensation you deserve.

catastrophic injury lawyer

Catastrophic injuries include brain injuries, paralysis, spinal injuries, facial and bodily deformity, amputations, and the like.  For everything that you’ve been through, you should be compensated.

The causes of catastrophic injuries can be many. Perhaps the most common cause of these injuries is vehicular accidents. They can also come about due to slips and falls at work, medical malpractice cases, and so forth. It can be extremely challenging when you suffer a life-changing injury due to the recklessness, negligence, or errors of someone else. When that occurs, something must be done.

The Top Catastrophic injury lawyer in Long Beach

In order to ensure that you are paid every penny you deserve for your catastrophic injury, reach out to an experienced and aggressive accident lawyer. We maximize our clients’ recovery because we are experienced and dedicated to every case.

Examples of Catastrophic Injury Cases

Traumatic Brain Injury

Also referred to as a “TBI,” Traumatic Brain Injuries can be considered to be very serious and can result in permanent disability.

These injuries happen suddenly when a person’s head and skull are impacted with a severe force. In many cases, immediate medical attention is needed. Ongoing medical attention and supervision are required in the short, medium and long term which can result in a costly treatment. In many cases, these injuries happen as a result of a sudden collision directly to the head, or a trauma that happens to the body that has an impact on the brain.

Some of the most common accidents that result in TBI (600,000 reported cases annually) are slip-and-fall accidents, followed in commonality by injuries that happen in traffic collisions (approx. 300,000 each year).

There are three types of Traumatic Brain Injuries, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, there are two main types of categories of traumatic brain injuries— penetrating and non-penetrating. Penetrating occurs when either bone fragments, or any intruding bodies come into contact with the brain from the outside and do damage. Examples of this could be a bullet, a hammer, or shrapnel. This can also be caused in instances when skull fractures take place.

Non-penetrating injuries include contusions (brain bruising) and concussions, which can happen when a heavy force such as a fall, car accident, sports accident, or being hit with an object causes the brain to be moved or jolted inside the skull.

The results of either of these types of head injury cases can cause both cognitive and physical side effects, some of which can last a very long time and be very difficult and costly to treat. That’s why it’s important to seek medical attention quickly and then get in touch with a leading head injury attorney like those who are part of BHL.


Obviously, this kind of injury is permanent and life-changing. Its effects can range from limiting your mobility to limiting your ability to do work, simple tasks, and many other areas of life that many people take for granted. If this injury happened because of negligence or something that could have been reasonably prevented, it’s important that you explore your rights to get all of the compensation you may be entitled to.

In cases of limb amputations, many things have to be taken into consideration. The victim could have been potentially lost all ability to work and provide for their family in the future. There is arduous and costly physical therapy that could be involved in bringing the victim/patient back to as much normalcy as the amputation allows. Prosthetics are common ways to combat the extreme changes of having a limb removed, but those too can be a major expense.

Amputations can be necessary following:

-Car Crashes

-Truck and Big Rig Accidents

-Pedestrian Accidents

-Defective Products

-Dog Bites

-Construction site or Dangerous Workplace Accidents

If you have suffered such an injury that has led to an amputation and believe that it may have been caused by another party, get in touch with an amputation injury lawyer so that you can move toward getting your medical bills, therapy bills, time away from work, and pain and suffering compensated.

In the State of California, you have two years to file a claim. If by chance your claim is against a government agency, then you have to file within six months. Thus, it’s important to contact a  Injury Lawyer in Long Beach who has handled amputation cases with success. BHL Accident Attorneys has over 99 percent success rate in representing such cases.

No fee Unless We Win

We only charge you when your case is finished. You do not have to pay us out of your pocket because our attorney fee will come from your settlement check. If we don’t win your case, you don’t owe us a dime.

The truth is that, often, the more serious the injury is the more expensive your medical needs will be. A catastrophic event is sudden and life-changing. That’s what this kind of injury is. For an injury to be “catastrophic,” that means that you won’t be recovering from it any time soon or at all. These are the kinds of injuries that tend to result in disfigurement, disabilities, and so forth. They can make it difficult or even impossible to work or perform daily activities without some kind of assistance, thus lowering your quality of life.

With everything that you have to go through, that’s what makes it so important to get the compensation that you deserve for suffering.

Assistance With Your Medical Needs 

When you sustain a catastrophic injury, the first thing you and your loved ones desire is professional and experienced medical assistance. The problem is that many people don’t have insurance or money to pay for great medical assistance. Our catastrophic injury lawyer will refer you to trusted medical specialists that you require that won’t charge you a dime until your case is done.

Unfortunately, catastrophic injuries often lead to the need for continuing medical treatment, therapy, medication, and more. After you’ve suffered an injury of this magnitude, the last thing you need is to be worried about your case. That’s why it’s important to have professionals who can support you every step of the way.

Many different kinds of injuries could be classified as “catastrophic.” It could be that an injury was so grievous that a limb had to be amputated, or that someone suffered a spinal cord injury. Minimizing or even losing the ability to see or hear qualifies, as do certain facial injuries or burns. If internal organs or nerves are damaged permanently, those can also be catastrophic injuries.

The truth is that if you have an injury that you believe is catastrophic, it’s in your best interest to reach out to an attorney with experience in these kinds of cases. Often, even injuries that may not meet the standard of “catastrophic” do still qualify for compensation, medical expenses, and so forth.

Don’t Take On the Insurance Company By Yourself 

The insurance companies have experts that evaluate the value of each catastrophic injury case. If you don’t have an attorney, they will offer you a very low settlement. They are experts in negotiations and can lead you to believe they are adequately compensating you for your serious injury.  They will have investigators and other professionals who will do everything in their power to make sure that you receive as little compensation as possible (if anything at all). You deserve to have representation on your side who will support you and fight back.

We can get you to the right medical specialists, and maximize the money in your pocket at no upfront cost to you.

We will perform a thorough investigation to find out exactly which parties were at fault. From there, we will put together the most aggressive representation for you possible.

Your Right to Compensation 

If you sustain a serious injury, you need to contact a serious injury lawyer immediately to preserve your right to medical attention and compensation. Some cases have to be filed within six (6) months of your catastrophic injury. Catastrophic injuries can be life-changing, you deserve compensation that is the same. Do not wait. Contact our the best personal injury lawyer in Long Beach today for a risk-free consultation.

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