DUI, Legal Advice  

A DUI Accident Attorney on What to Do and When After an Accident

By: Belal Hamideh |
dui accident attorney

If someone was under the influence when they caused an accident, hurting you or someone you love, you may deserve compensation. In the wake of everything you have to deal with after an accident, contacting a DUI accident attorney may not be at the top of your to-do list. However, having an experienced attorney can…

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Accident Lawyer  

What They’re Saying About Belal Hamideh, Accident Lawyer in California

By: Belal Hamideh Law |
Accident Lawyer in Long Beach

Have you been trying to find the right accident lawyer in California and the surrounding area but just haven’t found one that feels right? Are you tired of having to search for an attorney when they all more or less seem the same? Belal Hamideh and the team here have been helping victims of vehicular…

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Accident Attorney Long Beach  

How to Determine Fault in a Car Accident

By: Belal Hamideh Law |
accident lawyer in Long Beach

Car accidents can be traumatic experiences for all parties involved, regardless of who is at fault. Nevertheless, in every accident, establishing fault is crucial. Can an accident lawyer in California help you navigate this process? Is It the Role of an Accident Lawyer in California to Determine Fault? An accident lawyer can play a pivotal…

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Accident Attorney Long Beach  

What an Accident Lawyer in California Says to Do After an Accident

By: Belal Hamideh Law |
Accident Lawyer Long Beach

You see the car ahead of you swerve and swerve again, narrowly avoiding a collision. Then, you hear that terrifying crunch as the other car hits a telephone pole. Your heart sinks as you realize they’ve just been in an Accident Lawyer California. What do you do? What should you do if this happens to…

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Legal Advice  

When Do You Need a Motor Vehicle Accident Attorney?

By: Belal |
motorcycle accident lawyer

A common mistake people make is to “Not” get in touch with some sort of legal team after a motor vehicle accident. In many cases, the offending (in the wrong) party is counting on this. There are several important matters that need addressing pretty quickly, such as collecting evidence, assigning blame, keeping records and so…

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Accident Attorney Long Beach  

Should you Hire an Auto Accident Lawyer or Handle Your Own Claim?

By: Belal |
auto accident lawyer no injury

You should never handle your own claim. Again, never, under any circumstances, should you even consider handling your own claim. You are stepping into a bear trap wearing silk pajamas. Some people think that if there is no injury, then an auto accident lawyer no injury case is a waste of money on lawyers. That…

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Accident Attorney Long Beach  

Should You Hire a Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer on a Contingency Basis?

By: Belal Hamideh |
motor vehicle accident lawyers

As you probably know, not all motor vehicle accident lawyers are the same. Some are specialists in certain areas, some have large teams, some are independent, and some are just plain bad. If there has been a road traffic incident, and if there has been damage or injury, then you should probably hire a lawyer….

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Accident Attorney Long Beach  

Advantages of Hiring the Best Accident Attorney in California

By: Belal Hamideh |
advantages of hiring our accident attorney in long beach

Getting injured in an accident can be quite an ordeal, from the medical bills to the time you must take off work to the general stress of having your car repaired or replaced. That’s why it’s always a good idea to hire the best accident attorney in California if you’re in this situation. Instead of…

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