English, Legal Advice  

What Can You Do When a Nursing Home is Responsible for Your Elderly Injured Parent?

By: Belal |
Elderly Injured Parent

The CDC estimated that there are more than a million of reported cases of injuries in nursing homes. Unfortunately, thousands of cases are unreported. So, what can you do when your elderly injured parent gets hurt in a nursing home? Should you file a lawsuit against the nursing home that’s supposed to take care of…

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English, Legal Advice  

Get the compensation you deserve with a California Personal Injury Law Office

By: Belal |

A large number of people suffer injuries in California every year. Surprisingly, many of these injured people don’t take sufficient action to ensure that they are fully compensated for their suffering. If you feel that you have been injured by someone, by the negligence of a company or by poor maintenance from the state, then…

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