Abogado de Accidentes de Trabajo  

Cómo tratan los abogados de accidentes laborales con su empleador

By: Belal Hamideh |
Abogados de Accidentes Laborales

Las lesiones que ocurren en el lugar de trabajo pueden ocurrir debido a condiciones inadecuadas en el lugar de trabajo. Equipo defectuoso o error o negligencia por parte de su empleador. Pero muchos de nosotros tememos enfrentar a nuestros empleadores. Por ende, los reclamos no se presentan y las personas no reclaman sus derechos. En…

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English, Personal Injury Attorney  

Belal Hamideh Law is an Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer in California

By: Belal Hamideh |
personal injury lawyer in long beach

We at Belal Hamideh know that we are a favorite among the many law firms of California. Our continuous efforts to serve those in the community who are in need legal counsel the most have cemented our place as a local preference when it comes to being an experienced personal injury lawyer in California. However,…

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English, Workers Compensation  

Working with a Worker’s Compensation Lawyers in California

By: Belal Hamideh |
worker’s compensation lawyer in Long Beach

Accidents in the workplace can run the gamut of severity. Some may not be very serious, while others can be devastating, causing permanent injuries and disabilities, or even lead to fatalities. Often these accidents are because of negligence or carelessness on the part of the company or employer. Perhaps equipment was not appropriately maintained, or…

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English, Workers Compensation  

Yes, You Need a Workman’s Compensation Lawyer in California

By: Belal Hamideh |
workman’s compensation lawyer in Long Beach

While you may never think that you are going to get hurt at work, even the person who is diligent and aware can fall victim to an accident like faulty machinery, a slip and fall on a wet floor in a warehouse, a tumble on the stairs, or other workplace accident. When it does happen…

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English, Workers Compensation  

Get a Fair Settlement with the Help of a Worker’s Comp Lawyers in California

By: Belal Hamideh |
worker’s comp lawyers in Long Beach

Workplace injuries seem to be on the rise these days. People are working longer hours each day and are asked to do more than ever, pushing themselves to the limits. Working this way can lead to mistakes happening, to equipment breakdowns, and for accidents occurring that can lead to someone getting hurt. Many of the…

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Accident Attorney Long Beach, English  

A Bus Accident Lawyers in California to Pursue Your Legal Options

By: Belal Hamideh |
bus accident lawyer in Long Beach

You likely hear about car accidents in your neighborhood all the time. From minor fender benders to catastrophic collisions, auto accidents are unfortunately a regular occurrence today. What you may not hear much about are the bus accidents that happen. Bus accidents are becoming a prominent problem in the United States, with more vehicles on…

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Accident Attorney Long Beach, English  

Truck Accident Lawyer in California Will Help you Get Money After Crash

By: Belal Hamideh |
truck accident lawyer long beach will help you get money after crash

Our truck accident lawyer in California at Belal Hamideh law office has settled several truck accident cases. Some of these cases involved small truck companies with no insurance policy. Despite that, our injury lawyers found a way to obtain the right amount under federal law. Our clients were paid after a thorough mediation Crashes involving…

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