Within this article, you will find out what you need to do if you get into a car accident while traveling out of state. There are also a few legal tips that you can use if you ever get into…
Within this article, you will find out what you need to do if you get into a car accident while traveling out of state. There are also a few legal tips that you can use if you ever get into…
No one wants to get in an accident, not just because of the potential health hazards, but also because of the long legal and bureaucratic process that they entail. If anyone knows this, it’s Belal Hamideh, the best accident attorney…
Losing a loved one is always tragic, one of the worst struggles of a person’s life. It can be even more difficult if you believe that your loved one’s death may have been caused due to someone else’s negligence and/or…
After getting terminated, you may have doubts about whether your termination was either legal or not. In the US, most employees are “At Will” meaning you might get fired anytime for any reason or no reason at all – as…
Don’t let discrimination or harassment at work get the best of you. Always remember that you can take certain steps to protect your rights as an employee. Taking such actions can help prevent any further mistreatment and consequently, improve your…
Meal and rest breaks are important for employees as you can use these times to recharge or discharge. Many employers afford their personnel to take rest or meal breaks whether unpaid or paid. Although it’s a common practice, it’s not required…
Anytime you are involved in a vehicle accident today, whether it is with another car, truck, a motorcycle or other vehicle, it is important that you be aware of your rights and responsibilities. Too many people today that are victims…
Getting injured because of any type of accident has the potential of altering the course of your life. A car accident, motorcycle accident, slip and fall, workplace accident, or any situation where you are injured because of the negligence of…
When you suffer a personal injury, you may not immediately think about how the party responsible for your injury is going to pay for your medical care and provide other compensation for your injuries. You want to make sure your…
The potential for an accident seems to be everywhere today, no matter where you go, what you do, or how careful you are. You are always at the mercy of others and how well they pay attention or whether they…
If you spend your time working in a warehouse, factory, or another area where heavy machinery is around you, you need to know that there is always the possibility that something could go wrong. Even if you are extremely careful…
If you have been injured at work, then after medical treatment and pain recovery, your mind might start turning to finances. Taking a trip to the hospital after an injury can be expensive, and if you don’t have any emergency…
Lesionarse debido a la negligencia de otra persona lo coloca en una posición muy difícil. Sus lesiones, ya sean leves o graves, pueden interferir con su vida diaria y evitar que trabaje y disfrute del tiempo con su familia. También…
Accidents can happen in so many ways and in so many different places today. Even if you feel you are careful all the time, you are also at the mercy of other drivers, faulty equipment, and other factors that can…
One mistake that injured workers make is believing that they cannot receive workers compensation because the work accident was their fault. For example, if a worker fell because he wasn’t wearing the right type of shoes, the employer is still…