Personal Injury Attorney  

Ways a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help With a Dog Bite

By: Belal Hamideh Law |
personal injury attorney

Were you bit and injured by someone’s dog? Has a dog bite caused you harm? If so, you very well may be eligible for compensation. If someone else’s dog hurts you with a bite, an experienced personal injury attorney can help. Indeed, Belal Hamideh has assisted many who are dealing with everything that you are…

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Personal Injury Attorney  

Get the Compensation You Deserve: Hire a California Personal Injury Lawyer for Your Slip and Fall Case

By: Belal Hamideh Law |
long beach personal injury lawyer

Slip and fall in California is a common type of premises liability case. This can happen anywhere, at any time, and can result in serious injuries. You can sustain broken bones or head trauma. This type of injury can have long-lasting consequences, including emotional, physical, and financial hardships. If you have been injured from this…

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English, Workers Compensation  

Learn More About How a Catastrophic Injury Lawyer Can Help You

By: Belal Hamideh Law |
wrongful death attorney

Dealing with any sort of injury is always inconvenient. Not only are you having to bear with physical pain, but you also need to deal with the logistics that come with having to deal with it. For example, your work might be compromised by the injury, or you might have lost your means of transportation…

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Legal Advice, Personal Injury Attorney  

Count on the Help of the Top Personal Injury Attorneys in Los Angeles

By: Belal |
top personal injury attorneys

Any sort of injury, regardless of context or seriousness, has the potential to be disruptive. Whether it costs you money to get the necessary medical treatment or it keeps you from doing your job, there will most likely be inconvenient consequences. That is why getting the help of one of the top personal injury attorneys…

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English, Workers Compensation  

Let Us Help You With Your City of California Workers’ Compensation Case

By: Belal |
Long Beach Workers’ Compensation Case

There are protections in place in the City of California for people who are injured while doing their job. These exist in order to make sure those workers receive the compensation they deserve following an accident or an injury. The injury in question doesn’t even have to be severe for the victim to deserve compensation…

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Accident Attorney Long Beach  

California Lawyer Gives Advice on Teen Drunk Driving and Responsibility of the Parents

By: Belal Hamideh |
personal injury lawyer

The responsibility for preventing teen drunk driving falls on parents as much as it falls on teens. Most teens are not fully aware of the consequences of alcohol on the brain and how drunk driving could affect the rest of their lives. Before parents hand over car keys to their teens, they need to lay down…

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Accident Attorney Long Beach  

Do You Need Accident Attorney After an Uber or Lyft Cab Accident?

By: Belal Hamideh |
accident attorney in Los Angeles

If you are injured as an Uber or Lyft passenger, it is important to discuss your legal options with an experienced accident lawyer in Los Angeles. Claiming can be complex due to the involvement of a number of parties in the accident, including the driver, the company, and other drivers involved in the accident. Having…

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