Personal Injury Attorney  

An Injury Attorney Helps You Get Your Case Together After an Accident

By: Belal |
injury attorney

Accidents of any kind tend to be an inconvenience at best regardless of context. After all, these represent damages of all sorts. Some are going to be financial, some logistical, and others physical. Even if your health doesn’t seem to be compromised, the accident and whoever caused it will end up following you for a…

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Legal Advice  

Suing for Harassment or Discrimination? Employment Lawyer in California

By: Belal |
employment lawyer in long beach

Don’t let discrimination or harassment at work get the best of you. Always remember that you can take certain steps to protect your rights as an employee. Taking such actions can help prevent any further mistreatment and consequently, improve your situation at work. It can also help prove your case while preserving your right to…

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Accident Attorney Long Beach  

What to Do After a Pedestrian Accident? Accident Lawyer in California

By: Belal |
accident lawyer in long beach

Pedestrians who get injured in accidents can receive compensation including payment for any medical expenses incurred, compensation for future medical care, payment for current and future suffering and pain, recovering lost wages, and compensation of wages they may lose in the future. If you’re a pedestrian who got involved in an accident, you can make…

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Accident Attorney Long Beach  

Who’s at Fault for an Accident? FAQ Answered by California Accident Attorney

By: Belal |
personal injury attorney

When you get involved in an accident and you want to claim insurance for damages on personal injury, you want to avoid having to go to court for litigation. For this, you may consider making your case with an insurance company instead of going to court. If you can present a good and credible argument for…

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Workers Compensation  

Will I Get a Coronavirus Stimulus Check if I’m Collecting Disability Benefits?

By: Belal |
workers compensation attorney in long beach

The coronavirus pandemic has taken its toll on the job market. As a response to this outbreak and the consequences thereof, the Labor ad Workforce Development Agency has come up with a number of resources for both employers and employees. The office is in the process of establishing different programs for employees affected by the crisis….

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Legal Advice  

Wrongful Termination: Was Your Firing Illegal? Hire the Employment Attorney in California

By: Belal |
employment attorney in long beach

After getting terminated, you may have doubts about whether your termination was either legal or not. In the US, most employees are “At Will” meaning you might get fired anytime for any reason or no reason at all – as long as the reason isn’t illegal. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Hire an employment…

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Workers Compensation  

How to Find a Workers’ Comp Lawyer in California and What You Can Expect

By: Belal |
workers comp lawyer in los angeles

Even the most careful people may get injured while on the job, thus, preventing them from continuing work. In such a case, you may file for worker’s compensation anytime, but filing this can be a very overwhelming process. If you hire the services of a worker’s comp lawyer in California, the process may become easier. To…

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Legal Advice  

Meal and Rest Breaks: Your Rights as An Employee Explained by California Employment Lawyers

By: Belal |
long beach employment lawyers

Meal and rest breaks are important for employees as you can use these times to recharge or discharge. Many employers afford their personnel to take rest or meal breaks whether unpaid or paid. Although it’s a common practice, it’s not required in all states. According to the Fair Labor Standards Act, employers aren’t required to provide…

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Personal Injury Attorney  

Settling Your Personal Injury Claim: Contact Belal Hemidah Law in California

By: Belal |
personal injury lawyer in long beach

At some point in your life, you might get involved in some sort of accident that can cause physical injuries. This is one reason why you need to get insurance. With this, you can pay your medical expenses. But recovering medical expenses from an insurance company can often be very difficult. To make this easier, a…

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