Accident Attorney California on Serious Truck Accidents on Highways

Accident Attorney Long Beach

Accident Attorney California dealing with accidents that involve trucks can be very complicated. You also need to deal with them right away, especially if you want to get the compensation you deserve.

Generally, trucking companies use teams of experts, lawyers, and other resources that they can potentially use against you if you choose to file a lawsuit. If you experience a serious truck accident on a highway, you need to know how to protect yourself. The best way to do this is by hiring an accident attorney California.

Accident Attorney California

After getting into a serious truck accident, hundreds of thoughts will run through your mind apart from the pain you’re experiencing. Overwhelming as this is, there are things you must take care of to ensure your safety. First, you must contact emergency services, especially if you require medical attention.

Before anything else, you must deal with injuries you or anyone else in your vehicle have sustained before you contact a California accident lawyer. While waiting for help to arrive, it’s important to document your injuries and any other details related to the accident. Even if you have a medical issue that doesn’t seem related to the accident at the time, document it. You might need these records in the future.

Call the police

After calling emergency medical services, you must also reach out to law enforcement right away. In serious accidents such as this, there is a high likelihood of “significant property damage.” Police officers must assess this even if you didn’t sustain any injuries. Police officers may also provide you with assistance with collecting evidence or statements from witnesses.

Law enforcement officers have their own procedures when filing reports and gathering evidence so it might take time for you to get the support you need for your case. Although it might seem even more overwhelming to have to talk to law enforcement after suffering this kind of ordeal, this is necessary. You must also give your own statement for them to know your side of the story. This is also important, especially if you decide to file a lawsuit.

Determine liability 

Most of the time, the liability in this kind of accident is with the trucking company. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMSCA) holds trucking companies responsible for any accidents that involve their truck drivers and trucks. This applies even if the trucks are still under lease or the drivers aren’t directly hired by the company. 

Therefore, if the driver of the truck was the cause of the accident, the liability falls to the trucking company. The company will also get liability for any accidents related to cargo or maintenance of its trucks. If you experience an accident, don’t agree to make a statement to the insurance carrier of the trucking company. Don’t sign any forms either. Instead, contact an accident lawyer California to help you deal with the issue.

Find the truck accident lawyer

In a serious truck accident case, several entities can be potentially liable including the owner of the truck, the truck driver, or the trucking company. However, each accident case is unique, which means that you should speak to a lawyer with experience in handling cases that involve truck accidents. We at Belal Hamideh Law will help you out and fight your case to get you the right compensation. Call us now at (562) 526-1224 to schedule a meeting to discuss your case.