A Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in California Explains Your Rights

Workers Compensation Lawyer Long Beach

When you can’t A Workers' Compensation Lawyer in California Explains Your Rightswork because of an on-the-job injury, you are eligible for worker’s compensation benefits. These are benefits paid by your employer so that you won’t have to struggle financially while recovering. If you’re a worker who has been injured and unable to work or a family member of someone who has been injured and cannot work, you may want to learn more about the process. 

Speaking to a Worker’s Compensation Lawyer California Law Firm

Some of the questions you might be asking might include: “What are my rights as an employee when receiving worker’s compensation? Do I have any options? Who can I speak with if I have questions?”  By speaking to a worker’s compensation lawyer in California law firm, you can get your questions addressed and answered.

What Are Your Rights as an Employee When Receiving Workers` Compensation?

First and foremost, you do have the right to receive worker’s compensation benefits if you get injured while working. You may also have the right to collect Social Security Disability (SSD) or Medicare, but that is dependent upon your specific situation. 

When you receive workers’ compensation, a qualified doctor will evaluate your injury.. If your injury has made it impossible for you to continue to work, you have the right to be placed in an alternative work program. 

Furthermore, you have the right to protection from worker discrimination. What this means is that you cannot be treated differently than other employees simply because you are receiving benefits or you have an injury. 

Most importantly, if you are injured and cannot perform your job, your employer cannot terminate you, demote you, or take any other adverse employment action against you.

You Have the Right to Receive All of the Benefits Paid by Worker’s Compensation

When you receive benefits from worker’s compensation, you have the right to receive the full amount of money that has been set aside to help you while you can’t work. Usually, you’re paid a percentage of your income for the medical costs incurred.

If you have received benefits for a long period, your employer may request that you undergo a reassessment of your injury. If your injury has healed and it is no longer preventing you from working, you may be required to return any paid benefits. 

That is why, once you’ve been injured, you should keep in contact with a worker’s compensation lawyer in California professional. They can help you navigate the system so you’re treated fairly and equitably. This is especially true if you have not fully healed, and are asked to return to work too soon.

You Have the Right to Receive Any Promised Settlement Agreement

If your employer has promised to pay you a settlement, you have the right to receive the agreed reward. Therefore, your employer cannot simply renege on the settlement or refuse to pay you at a later date. 

At the same time, you also have the responsibility to report your injury and receive the benefits to which you are entitled. If you fail to do this, you cannot ask your employer at a much later date to pay you a settlement amount 

In California, you have 30 days to report a workplace injury and file a claim form within a year. Therefore, the sooner you report and file a claim, the better. 

Forbes states that you can receive benefits for workers’ compensation in the form of medical care, death benefits, temporary and permanent disability, or supplemental job displacement.

A Quick Recap of Your Rights as a Worker

You have the right to be treated by a licensed healthcare professional of your choice, receive all of the benefits paid by worker’s compensation, be protected from discrimination, receive any promised settlement agreement, receive adequate support as an employee when you are injured on the job. At the same time, your obligations include reporting your injury and receiving the benefits to which you are entitled. 

Remember, workers’ compensation protects your employee from getting sued in turn for compensating you for an on-the-job work injury. If you want to take further legal action, you’ll need to file a claim against a third party – if they were negligent and caused your injury.

Now that you know what your rights are, it’s time to make the most of them!

A Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in California Explains Your Rights

Call a Worker’s Compensation Lawyer California Firm Now

When you receive workers’ compensation, you have several rights that employers are required to provide. To learn more about your rights and to discuss a workers comp case, contact a workers compensation lawyer in California firm. Call Belal Hamideh at (562) 526-1224 now.