Did you slip, fall, and suffer an injury on someone else’s property? Were you on another person’s property when you were hurt? Or, alternatively, has someone you love been injured in this manner? If someone invites you onto their property,…
Did you slip, fall, and suffer an injury on someone else’s property? Were you on another person’s property when you were hurt? Or, alternatively, has someone you love been injured in this manner? If someone invites you onto their property,…
Were you hurt in an accident? Did someone’s actions cause you to suffer an injury? If so, then you very well may be eligible for compensation. Belal Hamideh can help. An experienced injury attorney serving all of California, he has…
Did you suffer an injury in a car accident that the other driver fled? Before you could get contact information from the other driver involved in your vehicular accident, did they leave? If so, then you were hurt in a…
Were you injured in an accident that involved an e-scooter? Whether you were riding the scooter, were a pedestrian hit by one, or even tripped over one and were injured (among other accidents), you may be entitled to compensation for…