What Can I Receive From Workers’ Compensation?

There are many different kinds of benefits that you may receive for workers’ compensation. Medical care is one of the most common forms of workers’ compensation. Essentially, you will receive compensation to help you recover from an injury or sickness that may have been caused by your job. This compensation can cover the time that it takes you to recover as well.

If you are unable to work for a period of time, workers’ compensation may be able to help with that as well. You may be able to receive temporary disability benefits. So, if you aren’t able to return to doing your job for a period of time, you can receive compensation for that.

Now, with some workers’ compensation injuries, you may not be able to return to the same job or be able to perform the same job in the same capacity. In that case, you may qualify for supplemental job displacement benefits.

workers compensation lawyer long beach

This worker’s compensation takes the form of vouchers. They can pay for developing new skills or even retraining so that you can return to work in some capacity.
In the event that you have suffered a permanent disability through this injury and cannot recover completely, then you may qualify for permanent disability benefits. Should you pass away from a job injury or illness, then your spouse, children, or other dependents/loved ones may be eligible for death benefits.

We offer free consultations here at Belal Hamideh Law. When you sit down with our attorneys, we’ll go over your case and let you know exactly what we think you are entitled to. Should we take your case, we’ll work tirelessly to ensure that you receive everything that you should.

long beach personal injury lawyer