Experienced California Car Accident Attorney on Uninsured Motorists

Car Accident Attorney

Have you been in an accident where the other driver lacked car insurance? Alternatively, were you in an accident with a driver who didn’t have much insurance at all? No matter how safe you drive or how careful you are, you never know what the other driver is going to do. Being in an accident with a driver who has insufficient insurance (or none whatsoever) can be particularly frustrating. Belal Hamideh, an experienced California car accident attorney, can help you to recover the compensation you deserve. 

There are More of Them Than You Think 

Studies have shown that, at any given time, over 20% of California drivers are either uninsured or underinsured, meaning that they have less insurance than the state legal minimum. That’s a very high number, as you might imagine. 

Often, if you’re in an accident with one of these motorists, they may just flee the scene, in hopes that they aren’t caught and forced to pay out of their own accounts. Belal Hamideh has aggressively represented many clients who have been in the same position you are now, and he can do everything in his power to help you to receive what you should. 

You Can Receive Compensation 

Just because the other driver lacks insurance doesn’t mean you should be precluded from receiving compensation. Belal Hamideh can help you through the entire process, from the initial free case evaluation through a successful resolution of your case. 

That means Belal can deal with the insurance companies on your behalf, opposing counsel, and anyone else that would keep you from receiving the compensation that you should receive. Whether it’s compensation for medical bills, wages you lost on account of being unable to work, compensation for your pain, suffering, and more, Belal can work on your behalf to turn your personal injury into a victory. 

Protection from Uninsured Motorists 

You can only control yourself on the road, there’s nothing you can do about the choices another person makes. By that same token, you never know if other drivers on the road carry the insurance they should. 

However, Belal recommends you take action, you take steps to better protect yourself. Specifically, he recommends that you get uninsured motorist/underinsured motorist insurance. That way, you’ll be in a much better position should one of those drivers hit you on the road. 

Car Accident Attorney

California Car Accident Attorney With Experience On Your Side 

Any vehicular accident, whether it involves a driver with insurance or one without, can be devastating. It can lead to any number of injuries, all of which can take a significant toll on your life. Belal Hamideh can help. 

If you believe you were injured in a vehicular accident through the negligence and/or recklessness of another party, it’s worth it to reach out to Belal to see if you have a case. As we only work on contingency, you don’t have to pay unless we win. Belal wins 99% of the time for his client. To see how he can help, schedule a free case evaluation through the site or call.

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