What workers compensation covers

By: Belal Hamideh |

To be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, official employee status is a must. California law usually disqualifies independent contractors, volunteers, and freelancers from these benefits, though some exceptions may apply.
Bear in mind, misclassification incidents can occur, where employers incorrectly label their employees as independent contractors. California law has stringent standards in place to ascertain the true employment status.
Additionally, your illness or injury must have a direct correlation to your work tasks to qualify for workers’ compensation. Injuries from machinery operation, workplace accidents, or diseases from exposure to harmful substances – all are considered for these benefits.

Who is Eligible for Workers Compensation?

By: Belal Hamideh |

To be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, you need to be an employee. Independent contractors, volunteers, and those who freelance are typically not eligible for these benefits under California law (but, depending on your situation, you may be).
Remember: some employers may mistakenly classify employees as independent contractors, leading to confusion – California has established specific criteria to determine true employee status.

Long Beach, Workers Compensation, Workers Compensation Lawyer Long Beach  

You Deserve Workers Comp If You’re Hurt at Work: Qs From a Workers Comp Lawyer

By: Belal Hamideh |
workers compensation lawyer long beach

If you’ve been injured while working, whether on the job site or elsewhere, Belal Hamideh can help. An experienced workers’ compensation lawyer in Long Beach that serves the rest of California, he can help you to secure the compensation you…

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Los Angeles, Workers Compensation  

Workers Compensation Attorney in Los Angeles, CA Handles Your Case

By: Belal Hamideh Law |
Workers Compensation Attorney in Los Angeles

Workers’ compensation is an area of law that covers a wide variety of different situations, so people sometimes don’t know if what they have on their hands is, in fact, a compensation case. There are many circumstances in which an…

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Los Angeles, Workers Compensation  

Let Our Workers’ Compensation Attorney in Los Angeles Handle Your Case

By: Belal Hamideh Law |
let our workers compensation attorney in los angeles handle your case

If you, for some reason or another, are hurt or injured during the course of your job, you may feel lost or disoriented as to what to do next. That’s what our  workers compensation attorney in Los Angeles is for….

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