What are Common Causes for Motorcycle Accidents?

By: Belal Hamideh |

More often than not, a motorcycle accident is not caused by the motorcyclist. Instead, another driver is liable. If you were injured in a motorcycle accident caused by someone else’s negligence and/or recklessness, you could be eligible for compensation. An experienced motorcycle accident attorney can help you to recover everything that you should. 

accident attorney, Motorcycle Accident, Motorcycle Injury Attorney  

California Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Torrance: What to Know About Crashes

By: Belal Hamideh |
motorcycle accident

Have you recently been in a motorcycle accident and aren’t sure what to do next? Are you trying to go about your days yet feel like there’s something that you’re forgetting, something you should do but aren’t? Nothing in life…

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Motorcycle Accident Without Helmet

By: Belal Hamideh |

You have to wear a helmet when you ride your motorcycle. No exceptions. 

The importance of donning a motorcycle helmet whenever you ride cannot be overemphasized. As a rider in California, it is not just a smart safety ritual but also a legal requirement. 

California law is explicit about motorcycle drivers and passengers alike; they must invariably wear helmets. The mandate is not only for your safety, but it also has a role to play in the eventuality of a mishap and compensatory affairs related to it.

The absence of a helmet during a motorcycle accident may provide leverage to allegations of you being partially accountable for any injuries inflicted. Helmets significantly reduce the risk of severe injuries. Hence, not wearing one might be interpreted as an act of negligence on your part.

What are the odds of motorcycle accident?

By: Belal Hamideh |

Recent research by the NTSA (National Traffic Safety Administration) reveals that between six and seven percent of motorcyclists are likely to encounter an accident. Although this percentage may not seem large, it is indeed significantly higher than that for other vehicles. Imagine, for instance, walking out the door each day faced with a 7% chance of having an accident. It’s safe to say, you would do everything in your power to navigate your vehicle with extreme caution.

More importantly, if you ever find yourself in a motorcycle accident, particularly one where another party might be at fault, it might be worthwhile to consult with Belal Hamideh. As an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer, he can conclusively ascertain whether or not you have a viable case and can guide you towards obtaining maximum compensation for all that you’re entitled to.

Feel free to arrange a no-cost case assessment with him via this website or by making a phone call.

How likely is it to get into a motorcycle accident?

By: Belal Hamideh |

According to recent studies from the NTSA (National Traffic Safety Administration), around six to seven percent of motorcyclists will be in an accident. That may not sound like a high number, but it’s far higher than it would be for other vehicles. Indeed, imagine if, every time you went outside, there was a 7% chance that you would be in an accident. Accordingly, you would operate your vehicle as safely as possible. 

In the event that you were in a motorcycle accident that may have been caused by another party, it’s worth it to reach out to Belal Hamideh. An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer, he can let you know definitively whether or not you have a case. From there, he can help you to recover maximum compensation for everything you deserve. 

You can schedule a case evaluation with him for free through this site or by calling. 

Is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Possible After a Motorcycle Accident?

By: Belal Hamideh |

Undeniably, unfortunately. Seeing or being part of a motorcycle accident can certainly trigger PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). The extent of the impact may vary, as one person’s reaction to such an event can be strikingly different from another. The manifestations of PTSD also fluctuate – sleeplessness, anxiety, disturbing dreams, heightened tension, and more could all be reactions to the incident.

Should the motorcycle accident have resulted from another’s negligence, we can assist in claiming compensation for PTSD and any resultant issues. To learn how we can support, please schedule a costless case analysis with Belal Hamideh, our seasoned motorcycle accident lawyer, either on our site or over a call.

Do People Get PTSD After Motorcycle Accident?

By: Belal Hamideh |

Yes. Unfortunately, you can get PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) from being in an accident involving a motorcycle. In fact, you don’t even need to have been involved in the accident. Some may develop PTSD simply from having witnessed a motorcycle accident .

Trauma affects different people in different ways. How one person responds to a motorcycle accident will differ greatly from another. Indeed, PTSD itself can affect victims differently. For example, you may experience insomnia, anxiety, even nightmares, stress, and worse just from the accident.

If your motorcycle accident was the fault of another person, we can help you to recover compensation for PTSD and more that you’re dealing with as a direct result of the accident. To see how we can help, schedule a free case evaluation with experienced motorcycle accident lawyer Belal Hamideh through our site or by calling.

Motorcycle Accident, Motorcycle Injury Attorney  

Motorcycle Accident Injury Lawyer on: Facts You May Not Know

By: Belal Hamideh |
Motorcycle Accident Injury Lawyer

Were you or someone close to you hurt in a motorcycle crash? Regardless of whether you were operating the motorcycle or struck by it, experienced motorcycle accident injury lawyer Belal Hamideh can assist you in securing full reimbursement for all…

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What happens in a motorcycle accident?

By: Belal Hamideh |

Hopefully, you escape a motorcycle accident unscathed. Unfortunately, it’s possible to sustain serious injuries in a motorcycle accident. 

Should that be the case, you should: 

In the aftermath of an accident, it’s normal to experience a surge of adrenaline and possibly even shock. Here’s what to do:

Prioritize your safety. Do your best to remove yourself from danger. Seek medical help even if you feel fine – injuries may not be immediately apparent.

Notify the authorities. The police report will be crucial in your personal injury case.

Collect details from the other party. Obtain their name, phone number, driver’s license, address, insurance information and a brief description of their vehicle.

Record the incident. If you’re up to it, snap pictures of both your injuries and the accident scene for evidence.

Don’t accept liability. There’s no need to shoulder the blame right after the accident.

Reach out to a skilled and experienced motorcycle accident injury lawyer. We’re here to guide you through every stage of the process.

Can I Sue If I’m In a Motorcycle Accident?

By: Belal Hamideh |

Without a doubt, you are entitled to file a lawsuit post a motorcycle mishap. The legal action can be initiated against the individual(s) responsible for inflicting your injuries. If any party has exhibited negligence or recklessness that culminated in your injuries, they can be legally held accountable.
In several instances, the accountable party is the one who collided with you. However, claims can also be directed at those who were in charge of ensuring safe road conditions, the automobile manufacturers, and alike. Belal along with his competent team can carry out an exhaustive investigation to firmly establish the accountable party or parties.
We will then set the legal proceedings in motion against all the parties involved to ascertain you receive the compensation you are rightfully entitled to.
In most motorcycle mishap cases, the biker is not the liable (or most liable) party. If you’ve been in an accident involving a motorcycle, contact experienced motorcycle accident lawyer Belal Hamideh for a free case evaluation.
To organize a complimentary case appraisal, you may connect with us via our website or through a phone call.

What Do I Need to Do After a Motorcycle Accident?

By: Belal Hamideh |

After your accident, you may be in a state of shock or experience a rush of adrenaline. Follow these steps: Prioritize safety. Get yourself out of danger as best as you can. Seek medical attention even if you don’t feel…

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How Long Will it Take to Settle My Motorcycle Accident Claim?

By: Belal Hamideh |

Your accident is unique, so the time your case takes will vary. Our team has helped many clients receive a settlement in just a few weeks, and we hope your case will be the same. However, some clients’ claims have taken years and even had to go to trial. We always fight aggressively for people like you who have been injured in an accident. For your case and for everyone else’s, we can say that the sooner you contact an attorney, the sooner we can get to work ensuring you receive all you’re entitled to.

Who Can I Sue for My Motorcycle Accident?

By: Belal Hamideh |

You can sue the person responsible for your crash. Filing a suit against them is only the beginning of the process. Additionally, you need to prove the other driver’s negligence and that this negligence caused your accident and damages. To…

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What Compensation Can I Receive for My Motorcycle Accident?

By: Belal Hamideh |

You can receive compensation for both your non-economic damages and your economic damages. Your economic damages are the expenses from your injury, such as medical bills from accident injuries, lost income now or in the future, the cost to repair…

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