How Longshore Accidents Different From Most Workplace Accidents?

longshore accidents

Everyone knows that docks are dangerous places. The machinery, the shipping containers, and the naval vessels don’t necessarily make for the safest environment. The only reason there aren’t a lot more longshore accidents in harbors and piers is that longshoremen are genuinely good at their jobs. That’s not to say they are 100% safe from potential accidents and injuries. After all, even the safest harbor worker could wind up in an accident through no fault of their own. It’s in those cases that an injured worker should reach out to a longshoreman accident lawyer who can help them with the ensuing case. Why be so specific? Well, this particular trade has a very distinct process, which is why it’s better to seek out a lawyer with experience in the field. 

longshore accidents

Longshoremen Workers’ Compensation

Most jobs in the United States have some sort of workers’ compensation security net in place. Workers, after all, have very specific rights aimed at protecting them in case of injuries, accidents, and similar issues that may arise from them performing their jobs as usual. So, in cases of workplace accidents, a workers’ compensation lawyer can take a look at the case and get the worker in question the money that they deserve for their medical recovery and missing wages. This process will be fairly similar from workplace to workplace since it’s based on the general protections in place for workers in California. However, there are specific laws in place to protect longshoremen in cases of accidents and injuries.

Protections for Longshoremen

Longshoremen workers’ compensation goes beyond the regular protections in place for most other jobs. The Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act is there to help harbor and maritime workers of many different kinds who have been injured while repairing, unloading, and loading vessels. In such cases, we can also help longshoremen get compensation if they are injured because of a third party’s recklessness, malice, or negligence. Through the LHWCA, you can’t exactly sue an employer, but you can sue third parties for damages. Additionally, this law can also be implemented to protect you when you are infected or catch a disease while at work. An alongshore accident attorney can help you navigate these different avenues for your case.

What to Do After a Longshore Accident?

No worker should ever have to feel unsafe or unprotected while they are performing their job. After all, this place is almost like a second home to you and your coworkers. This is as true in an office desk job as it is on the docks. Alongshore accident is never a pleasant experience for anyone involved, so don’t brave the aftermath on your own. So, if you are looking for the best longshoreman accident lawyer in Los Angeles, you can’t do any better than Belal Hamideh. With him on your side, you will most likely get the compensation you are entitled to. For more information or a free consultation, give us a call or fill out the contact form.