7 Things Every Car Accident Lawyer Must Do for You

personal injury attorney

After a car accident, it’s easy to get frazzled by the whole process of finding an attorney to represent you, especially because your health and livelihood are at stake. The process of finding a car accident lawyer in California can go fast. Regardless, you can protect yourself by learning some things that a car accident attorney should do for you no matter what.

What Your Car Accident Lawyer in California Should Do for You

There are 7 major roles and responsibilities a car accident attorney should take on for their clients:

1. Clarify Legal Procedures

The law can be confusing for non-lawyers. Your car accident attorney should help you understand the legal processes and steps you’ll be engaged in once your case starts. They can’t fairly represent you unless you know what’s happening.

2. Offer Legal Advice

Similarly, your lawyer should shed light on the strengths and weaknesses of your case. An attorney should help you be realistic about your chances. They should also recommend steps you can take to protect your rights.

car accident lawyer

3. Investigate Your Case Thoroughly

You’ll be working together to get all the facts of your case compiled. Your lawyer should understand where there are gaps in this knowledge and work towards getting important information. This may include learning more about your accident, as well as getting clarity on your current, past, and expected future medical costs.

4. Collect Evidence in Your Favor

During the investigation of your case, your attorney will be gathering evidence. They will keep it for you and present it to the court and/or other parties when necessary.

5. Work towards a Favorable Settlement

Many car accident cases settle, which means they do not go to court. Your lawyer should help you make the best case possible so the other party or parties want to settle. This gives you an advantage even if you do go to court. Plus, if you’re offered a settlement, your attorney should know if it’s fair or comparable to similar cases so that you don’t settle for less than what you’re owed.

6. Represent You in Court

This is somewhat of a no-brainer, but your car accident lawyer should be there in court with you as your legal representative. They should also accompany you to important events like settlement negotiations and witness depositions.

7. Negotiate with Insurance Companies

Unfortunately, insurance companies are notorious for being difficult to get payments from. Your attorney should take the lead when dealing with them so you’re not just one person against a huge (often uncaring) corporation.

…And More?

Many of these items are the least a lawyer can do for you and your car accident case (and a few of them are an attorney’s legal obligation!). You absolutely should not accept anything less. In fact, when looking for representation, consider what else an attorney can offer. 

Belal Hamideh is a car accident lawyer in California who does more than the bare minimum. Our law firm offers a free case evaluation and, if you proceed to work together, you are charged no fees unless you win your case. Our office also prides itself on the ability to communicate with our clients. We have the resources to stand up to powerful insurance companies. These are gifts when faced with a scary lawsuit funded by huge insurance corporations.

So if you’re the victim of a car accident, call Belal Hamideh Law at (562) 526-1224 for a free consultation. You can also chat live with them online, simply click here.