You Deserve Workers Comp If You’re Hurt at Work: Qs From a Workers Comp Lawyer

workers compensation lawyer long beach

If you’ve been injured while working, whether on the job site or elsewhere, Belal Hamideh can help. An experienced workers’ compensation lawyer in Long Beach that serves the rest of California, he can help you to secure the compensation you deserve. Belal Hamideh has extensive experience helping workers across various industries achieve favorable outcomes, even in cases where claims were previously denied. He is prepared to bring that same level of dedication to your case.

Having a knowledgeable workers’ compensation attorney on your side significantly enhances your chances of obtaining the full compensation you’re entitled to. A seasoned lawyer will effectively negotiate with insurance companies, aiming to maximize your benefits. Insurance companies often seek to minimize payouts, but with the right representation, you can ensure your interests are fiercely protected.

An experienced workers’ compensation lawyer can also connect you with medical professionals, facilitating your recovery without out-of-pocket expenses. They can gather and present compelling medical evidence to support your claim and, if necessary, represent you during any hearings related to your workers’ compensation case.

How Do I Know if I Have a Workers Comp Case? 

If you were injured on the job, then you have a workers compensation case. That’s it. That’s all you need. So long as you were hurt at work, in the state of California, then you qualify for workers compensation. 

That said, your claim may still be rejected, even if it’s valid. Belal can help you to recover maximum compensation for everything you deserve. 

Won’t I Get Fired for Filing for Workers Compensation? 

Filing a workers’ compensation claim will not jeopardize your job. In California, it’s illegal for employers to fire employees for filing a claim under the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Although some employers may attempt to disguise retaliatory actions, we can advocate for penalties and back pay if you face retaliation. If you suspect you’ve been unfairly treated after filing a claim, consulting an attorney promptly is essential.

When Should I File for Workers Compensation? 

It’s best to file a workers’ compensation claim as soon as possible, ideally within one year of your injury. Even if this timeframe has passed, you may still have options, and we are here to support you throughout the process. Prompt action is crucial as delays can affect the outcome of your case. Additionally, you must notify your employer of any injury within thirty days of the accident to protect your rights.

I Was Hurt at Work – What Should I Do Now? 

First, prioritize your safety and ensure you’re out of harm’s way. If it’s safe to do so, document the scene of the accident with photos and witness statements. After addressing your immediate safety, report the incident to your employer, even if you don’t feel injured. Internal injuries may not be immediately apparent and can worsen later on. 

It’s impossible to overstate how crucial reporting the incident is. You have to tell your employer.  Hopefully, your accident will prompt your employer to enhance safety measures to prevent future incidents.

Seek medical attention promptly to assess and treat any injuries. Following these steps, contact an experienced workers’ compensation attorney to discuss your case and explore your options for securing compensation.

workers compensation lawyer long beach

What Kind of Workers Comp Benefits Could I Qualify For? 

In California, workers’ compensation provides benefits for injuries sustained during work-related activities. This includes temporary disability benefits if you’re unable to work due to your injury, a rehabilitation voucher if you have permanent work restrictions, reimbursement for mileage if you require transportation for medical appointments, compensation for future medical care, and a permanent disability settlement if your injury affects your ability to work. Belal will work with you to evaluate the value of your claim and guide you through the process.

Workers’ compensation differs from personal injury claims primarily in the types of damages you can pursue. In a personal injury case, you may claim damages for pain and suffering, along with compensation for diminished earning capacity, lost earnings, and future medical expenses. Workers’ compensation, on the other hand, covers benefits such as permanent disability, medical costs, rehabilitation, and lost wages but does not typically include compensation for pain and suffering.

However, you might have a “crossover case” where third-party liability claims come into play. These cases involve recovering additional compensation from parties other than your employer who may have been negligent or reckless. An experienced attorney can help you pursue all responsible parties to maximize your compensation.

Workers Comp Lawyer Who’s Ready to Help: Belal Hamideh 

Belal Hamideh has a proven track record of helping clients receive the compensation they are entitled to. We challenge insurance companies and work diligently to secure favorable outcomes for our clients. Our services are provided on a contingency basis, meaning you only pay if we win your case, with fees deducted from your settlement.

For a comprehensive evaluation of your case and to understand your potential compensation, schedule a free case evaluation with Belal Hamideh. Contact us through our website or by phone to get started.

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