Wrongful Death Lawyer In California

wrongful death lawyer in california

Have you lost someone you love due to the actions of another?  The loved ones in our lives are irreplaceable. Nothing could make up for their loss.  If someone else’s negligence and/or recklessness caused your loved one’s passing, you could be entitled to financial compensation. Belal Hamideh, an experienced wrongful death lawyer in California, can help you receive this compensation 

Leveraging his extensive experience, he can provide you with aggressive representation, ensuring you the highest possible compensation for your loss. That compensation can aid in covering funeral expenses, healthcare bills, pain & suffering, and more, all of which can provide a foundation for your future.

Belal offers free case reviews where he will let you know what your claim is worth as well as what he can do to support you through this time. 

What Compensation is Available in a Wrongful Death Case?

You can receive economic as well as non-economic compensation. The former can include medical expenses, funeral costs, loss of income (including potential earnings),and so forth. 

Non–economic damages include pain and suffering, as well as loss of guidance, protection, and more. Despite the challenges in quantifying non-economic damages, we are committed to ensuring the maximum possible compensation for our clients in every viable form.

Punitive damages are not awarded under California’s wrongful death law. If you wish to seek punitive damages, a survival cause of action needs to be pursued alongside the wrongful death claim if both arise from the same wrongful action.

When you consult with Belal, he’ll provide clarity on what to anticipate from your case and how he can support you throughout it. Additionally, he’ll lay out a plan based on his experience on how he can aid you in obtaining compensation

What Constitutes a Wrongful Death and How is It Proven? 

A wrongful death, according to California law, is when a person’s demise results from the wrongful conduct of another. The act could be anything from reckless and negligent to intentional. Should the act be intentional, criminal prosecution may be a possibility. 

You may very well have a wrongful death lawsuit if you believe there’s even a chance this pertains to your situation. To clear any doubts about your eligibility to file a wrongful death case, consulting an experienced lawyer is recommended.

To prove wrongful death, you need to provide four distinct elements. Firstly, your loved one’s demise must be the result of the defendant’s negligence, recklessness, or carelessness. Remember: the defendant does not need to be fully responsible for the death of your loved one. 

You must also establish that the defendant had a duty towards your loved one, which was breached. A physician has a duty to heal, a motorist to comply with traffic regulations, and so forth. 

You must show that the defendant’s action directly resulted in your loved one’s death and to demonstrate that your loved one’s death caused damages warranting compensation. 

Belal will represent you as aggressively as possible so as to give you the best chance of a successful outcome. 

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in California? 

The beneficiaries allowed to file a wrongful death case are the surviving spouse and offspring of the deceased. If the deceased had no dependents or immediate family, then parents could be beneficiaries.  Other descendants or financial dependents could be eligible for compensation. This is very “broad strokes” and can become complicated very quickly. 

Determining eligibility for compensation, to what extent, and what can be received can be confusing. By consulting an attorney with significant experience in wrongful death cases, you make it more likely that the case will go how you would like it to. 

How Do I Pay for a Wrongful Death Attorney?

Our services are paid for on a contingency fee basis. Our clients are not required to pay upfront, “out of pocket,” or in a similar way. Instead, our fee comes from your eventual settlement or winnings. We consider this another way we can support our clients during this challenging period.

With this method, we don’t receive payment for our work should we lose the case. Be assured, we succeed 99% of the time. While insurance companies may strive to limit your payment, we work to ensure that you receive everything you deserve.

Furthermore, we collaborate with medical professionals who, like us, also operate on a contingency basis. If you need medical care, we can refer you to them. Then, their fee will also be deducted from your settlement.

What Does a Wrongful Death Attorney Do? 

When you sign with Belal, he manages virtually every aspect of your case so that you don’t have to deal with it yourself. 

For example, from the moment we represent you, our seasoned team conducts comprehensive investigations into your loved one’s wrongful death. 

Belal and the team find the truth of what occurred, identify all responsible parties, and construct a compelling case on our client’s behalf. 

It’s entirely possible that several parties may bear accountability for the wrongful death, and we ensure that all responsible parties are held answerable through legal action.

For instance, if your loved one’s demise was due to an accident involving slipping and falling on another’s property, we’ll build a case against all parties involved. The property owner, whoever was responsible for maintenance, those for whom the conditions were their responsibility –  those are just some of the parties that might be liable. 

We realize the emotional burden of losing a beloved individual under such circumstances. Always, we act as a reliable resource for our clients, providing guidance, updates, and support at every stage from the beginning through the end. 

Experienced Wrongful Death Attorney in California Belal Hamideh

Nothing prepares you for the loss of someone you love due to another’s actions. Working with an attorney with wrongful death experience can help you to focus on everything that you will need to deal with. 

Upon meeting with Belal, he’ll go over your case with you. With extensive experience, he can advocate for you as aggressively as possible, making sure you receive the maximum compensation for all you’ve endured. 

To schedule complimentary case assessment, message us through our site or call. 


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