Belal Hamideh Law, P.C.

What a Hit and Run Car Accident Attorney in California Wishes You Knew

Car Accident Attorney in California

Did someone recently hit your vehicle and then flee the scene? Was your vehicle struck as it was parked yet, when you returned to it, you found no note with the other driver’s contact information? If so, then you are a victim of a hit and run. The other party may have criminal penalties, yes, but they could also be liable for any injury you’ve suffered to your person or your property. Belal Hamiden, a car accident attorney in California with hit and run case experience, may be able to help. 

What’s Different After a Hit and Run Car Accident 

If you’re involved in a vehicular accident with another party, what you should do after the accident, regardless of whether or not the other driver shares their contact info, has important differences. 

Always, you should get yourself to safety. Check for injuries. Call 911. Receive medical attention, and get the other driver’s contact information, license plate, and insurance number. Contact your own insurance provider and then contact an experienced attorney. 

But, after a hit and run, you want to do everything you can to get the contact information of any witnesses. They’re the ones who can help you to find the other party who fled the scene. Witnesses are always important after a car accident, and they’re even more important after a hit and run. 

Yes, You Can Still Receive Compensation 

Despite the other driver fleeing the scene, it is still possible for you to receive economic as well as non-economic compensation for your injuries. 

During a free case evaluation, Belal can go over your case, drawing upon his experience to let you know what damages you can claim. In the past, he has helped people who are in the exact position you are now to receive compensation for their medical bills, their rehab, their doctor’s visits, wages they lose due to being unable to work, and more. 

Additionally, he’s helped clients to receive compensation for their pain, their suffering, their loss of enjoyment of life, and much more. 

How to Protect Yourself (Before You Get Into Your Car) 

No matter how well you drive, or how conscientious you are behind the wheel, it’s impossible to protect yourself 100% from an accident. That said, to protect yourself from a hit and run, Belal recommends that you get uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage from your insurance provider. That way, you’re better protected when you go out on the road, come what may. 

Car Accident Attorney

More Than a Hit and Run Car Accident Attorney in California 

A hit and run accident can be particularly frustrating because the other party isn’t decent enough to “face the music,” so to speak. Belal Hamideh may be able to help. He works on contingency as does the whole team here, so you won’t have to pay unless Belal wins. Belal wins, of course, 99% of the time. Even then, your payment will come out of your eventual settlement. Schedule a case evaluation today through the site or by calling.