Does the traffic accident lawyer really help preserve evidence? Isn’t it supposed to be all down to you and the police? Well, in most respects, it is supposed to be up to you and the police, but your lawyer is the one who tells you what you should and shouldn’t do. Most people are not accident specialists, and so have no idea what they should keep, what they should do, and what they shouldn’t attempt. Your lawyer will help preserve evidence by walking you through what you should and shouldn’t keep, and by explaining what sort of evidence you need.
Have You Kept All Financial Expenses?
Your lawyer will explain all the expenses you should keep a note of. This counts both for what has occurred, and what may occur as you move forwards. It is complicated, but the best rule of thumb is to save proof of all expenses and then work out what is needed later.
Is There a Police Report?
The police report will play a big part in the final verdict. If you are going to win, and if you are going to get compensation, then it is important that your lawyer sees the police report.
Did You Take Any Photos?
These days, thanks to Smartphones, people are able to take several photos of the cars affected by the accident, and photos of the scene. If you took photos, it is important that your lawyer sees them right away.
Did You Keep All Medical Reports?
Your traffic accident lawyer will be very interested in your medical reports partially because they are a good indication of what happened, and because they are often pivotal in deciding how much compensation you receive if you were not at fault for the accident.
Did You Keep All Medical Expenses?
Many people are able to get compensation for their medical expenses. Even if you were to blame for the accident, you may be able to claim for your medical expenses back, so it is important that you keep them.
Is There Long Term Injury And/or a Need for Long-Term Care?
If you have evidence of this, or can prove this in a substantial way, then it may influence the outcome of the court case. This is especially true if there is talk of compensation.

Traffic Accident Lawyer – Belal Hamideh Law
Was There Any Video Evidence? (street camera, dash camera, witnesses)
It is not just evidence from Smartphones and passersby that matters. Were there street cameras that caught the accident? Were there witnesses? Did you have a dash camera? Video evidence may help you prove that you were not at fault.
Write Down What Happened
Your traffic accident lawyer may ask you to write down what happened to the best of your memory. Spend some time doing this and do not be shy about coming back to it as you remember what happened. Spend a day or two on it if you need to.
You must do this because over time your memory of the incident is going to change, especially when you hear the version that the other person gives. Write down your own recollection and it will help stop your memory of the event being warped by outside influences.
If you are looking for a good lawyer to help you through your case, then get in touch with Belal Hamideh and let them lead you through the process with openness and professionalism.