Slip and Fall Lawyer Long Beach

slip fall lawyer

Did you or someone you love slip, fall, and suffer an injury? Was your slip and fall due to the negligence of another? If so, then you very well may deserve compensation for your injury. Belal Hamideh, a slip and fall lawyer in Long Beach, has helped so many clients with these kinds of cases over the years. He can represent you aggressively so that you can receive all of the compensation that you deserve.

Hopefully, your slip and fall only lead to a small injury, a bruise, and so forth. Unfortunately, many of these injuries are far more serious than that. If you believe that you or someone you love slipped, fell, and was harmed due to someone else’s actions, we can help. You can schedule a free consultation with us right here.

How Can a Slip and Fall Lawyer Help You?

A slip and fall lawyer can help someone who was injured in a variety of ways. Chief among them: an attorney can help to determine exactly who was at fault. These cases can be more complex than a person might initially think. That’s because determining fault in a slip and fall case revolves so much around the surrounding circumstances.

When you slip and fall on someone else’s property, on their premises, then it very well could be their negligence that led to your injury. The owner of the property has a responsibility to keep their property safe for others, depending on where it is exactly where you were when you slipped and fell.

So, much of what a slip and fall attorney does is based on proving that the property owner, the business, and so forth are at fault for your injury. In these kinds of cases, you, the victim, aren’t necessarily just going up against the property owner/their business, but the insurance company as well.

Too often, insurance companies won’t acknowledge that they were liable to a victim that doesn’t have legal representation. Thus, having an attorney on your side can be a way to prove to the insurance company that you have a case, that you are indeed worth taking seriously, and that you’re going to fight for the compensation that you deserve.


Is It Difficult to Prove a Slip and Fall Case?

It can be. Remember, when you’re trying to prove this, you’ve got the property/business owner, the insurance company, and their attorneys going against you, trying to prove that it wasn’t their client’s fault. We can represent you as aggressively as possible, working to prove the truth.

To recover damages, there are multiple things that you have to prove. For starters, you have to prove that the defendant owns the property, or that they occupied it, leased it, controlled it, and so forth. Additionally, you need to be able to prove that the defendant’s maintenance and/or use of the property was negligent.

Beyond that, you also need to be able to prove that you, the plaintiff, were injured by slipping and falling on the property (and not elsewhere, at an earlier or later time, and so forth). Lastly, you need to be able to prove that your injury/harm was caused by the defendant’s negligence. If you can do all of that, then you can recover damages. Indeed, that is what we do. Over the years, we’ve helped so many clients who are in the exact position that you are right now. Now, we can put that to work for you.


What Are the Elements of a Slip and Fall Case?

There are so many elements that can make up a slip and fall case, according to California law. At Belal Hamideh Law, we focus on the pertinent ones, so as to present the best case possible for our clients. One element that all of these cases include: is a hazard on the property where you slipped and fell. Maybe it was a slick, wet, or cracked floor, perhaps it was a hole in the floor, an ill-maintained railing, or anything else. But, there’s a hazard that was on the property.

Another important element: you, the victim, were allowed to be on the property. You were invited, licensed, and so forth. In some cases, yes, a trespasser could potentially sue for slip and fall but this is rare. One element that is always present: you, the victim, suffered your injury due to the hazard itself.

Your injury had to have been caused by the hazard, the hazard has to have been directly related to it. The last element of a case is that you, the victim, suffered damages due to the slip and fall. Maybe you were unable to work and lost wages. Or, perhaps you need some kind of medical treatment, therapy, and so forth. Those are some of the elements of these kinds of cases. We can help to establish exactly what happened so as to present the best possible case on your behalf.

slip fall lawyer long beach

How Much is a Slip and Fall Settlement Worth in California?

The worth of your settlement depends upon the circumstances of your particular case. So much goes into determining exactly what one of these cases is worth. In fact, they’ve been known to settle for millions and millions of dollars.

It all comes down to the severity of the injury that you may have suffered as well as the negligence of the premises owner. If they were very negligent and/or your injury was very severe, the settlement could be lucrative. When you sit down with us, we’ll go over your case, telling you exactly what we think it’s worth and why. Then, we’ll work to make sure you get all that you deserve.


How Long Does a Slip and Fall Case Take?

There is no set average for how long one of these cases takes. In many cases, the case wraps up in a matter of months. However, many other cases have gone on for years. These cases involve so many different factors, so many moving parts, that there’s really no telling how long they could last.

Factors could include waiting to see just how much the medical treatment will cost. Negotiations with insurance companies for an appropriate settlement can drag on as well. The truth is that, no matter how long these cases last, we’ll be by your side every step of the way. From the very beginning through successful completion, we’ll be there for you.

The best thing you can do to expedite your case is to reach out to an attorney as soon as possible. That way, we can get right to work on your case.


Common Slip and Fall Injuries

You can be injured in any number of ways from a slip and fall injury. No matter how you’re injured, we can work to help you to receive your due compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and so much more.

  • Traumatic Brain Injury. These are all too common after a slip and fall, as your head can be exposed to an increased risk of injury as you fall. A traumatic brain injury, a skull fracture, and other serious, potentially debilitating injuries can occur in even seemingly mild falls. Belal Hamideh has worked as a traumatic brain injury lawyer before. Should you have been injured in this fashion, he can put that know-how to work for you.
  • Broken Bones. Whether they’re in your arms, legs, fingers, toes, elbows, knees, back, neck, or elsewhere, when you slip and fall you’re exposed to a greater danger of suffering a break. Breaking any part of your body can be traumatic. At best, it requires plenty of medical treatment, potentially rehab, and more.
  • Sprains and Pulls. These injuries may sound less severe than broken bones and traumatic injuries to the head, but they can cause plenty of problems all the same. Even if nothing was “broken,” you still may have a viable slip and fall accident case. Moreover, you may be unable to work, still need medical treatment, and more.
  • Nerve Damage, Dislocations, and More. Your nerves could be damaged, you could have body parts dislocated, and so many more kinds of damage when you slip and fall. As no two slips and falls are the same, so too are the injuries that you may suffer. If you fell on someone else’s property and were injured, we may be in a position where we can help.


Wrongful Death After a Slip and Fall Accident

Unfortunately, some slip and fall accidents lead to the death of a loved one. When that happens, survivors may be able to sue the property/business owner on their behalf. Obviously, no amount of compensation can make up for the loss of someone that you love. Settlements from these cases can be used to pay for funeral costs, medical expenses that may have arisen from the injury, and more. With this settlement, you will have a foundation from which to transition to the next stage of your life.

We understand that, in the wake of losing a loved one due to a slip and fall due to someone else’s negligence, the last thing that you might want to do is to reach out to a wrongful death lawyer. Belal and the team can handle your case with decorum, professionalism, and discretion, helping you to receive the maximum compensation.


Pain and Suffering from Slip and Fall

One of the most common questions Belal and the team is asked is: “how much are my pain and suffering worth?” The truth is that, as these cases are all different, there is no such thing as an “average” that you might receive for pain and suffering in one of these cases. Moreover, there is no maximum. Indeed, California is one of the states that does not have caps on “pain and suffering.”

So, it’s entirely possible that you may be able to receive significant compensation for pain and suffering. Of course, we can also work to make certain that you receive compensation for medical costs, property losses, rehab fees, loss of compensation, consortium, and every other kind of damage that you may be entitled to.


An Experienced Slip and Fall Lawyer in Long Beach

Slip and fall accidents can be devastating. Even if you or someone you love slipped, fell, and seemingly had no injuries, it’s worth it to get medical attention as quickly as possible. If necessary, we can help to put you in touch with medical care providers as well. Just like our team, you can pay them out of your eventual settlement.

If you were harmed in a slip and fall accident, we may be able to help. Hablamos Espanol. For a free consultation with a slip and fall lawyer in Long Beach, you can reach us via phone or through the contact form.

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