Semi Truck Accident Lawyer on Ways to Possibly Avoid Big Rig Crashes

semi truck accident lawyer

Accidents involving semi-trucks can be devastating. Enormous trucks at high speeds crashing into smaller vehicles can have awful consequences. No matter how safe you drive, or how conscientiously you follow the rules of the road, you could still be struck by one of these vehicles. Yet, if you take certain precautions and keep particular ideas in mind when on the road, you could potentially reduce the chance of a big rig accident. Semi truck accident lawyer Belal Hamideh has helped many through accident cases involving trucks. These are some tips that may be able to help. 

Blind Spots Really Are Blind 

Spaces directly in front, directly behind, and along both sides of the truck can be considered “blind spots.” If you’re there, it’s practically impossible for the truck driver to see you. 

How can you tell if you’re in a truck’s blind spot? Look to the truck’s mirror. If you cannot see the truck’s mirrors, it is likely that the truck driver cannot see them either. If so, adjust your vehicle accordingly, calmly and correctly. 

Use Common Sense 

Some of the most obvious ways to stay safe on the road around big rigs (or any vehicle) are, unfortunately, all too often violated. 

Unfortunately, far too many drive under the influence. Alcohol, drugs, and even certain prescription medications can impair judgment, slow reaction times, and negatively affect motor skills. The risk of being involved in a collision increases dramatically when a driver’s mental state is compromised. With as many options are there these days (between taxis, rideshares, and the like), there is no excuse to ever get behind the wheel impaired. 

There’s no excuse to get behind the wheel if you’re too tired, either. While strict regulations require truck drivers to take rest breaks, drowsy driving is not limited to those operating big rigs. You can be sober, but, if you’re too tired, you may have delayed reaction times and impaired judgment, similar to those under the influence. If fatigue sets in, it is best to pull over for a break, switch drivers, and so forth. 

Always wear a seatbelt. Yes, it’s common sense. But, it’s also the law. Don’t just make sure that you’re wearing a seatbelt, ensure that all passengers are properly buckled up, too. This is some of the simplest advice for making the road safer. Yet, every day, people choose otherwise.  You can’t control what the big rig is doing, but you can take steps to protect your safety. 

It’s Not Worth it to Follow a Truck Too Close 

Following too closely behind a semi-truck can have catastrophic results. Yes, many on California roads are busy, trying to get somewhere in a hurry. But, large trucks have a significant blind spot directly behind them, making it difficult for their drivers to see approaching vehicles. They could be unaware you’re there. 

If a truck stops suddenly, a vehicle that is too close may not have enough time to react, potentially causing a serious collision. Keeping a safe distance allows for adequate stopping time and reduces the risk of an accident. If you feel like you’re too close to a big rig, you very well might be. Drive accordingly. 

Go By a Big Rig Smartly 

Passing a semi-truck requires caution and awareness. When overtaking a large truck, signal well in advance. Passing should always be done on the left side, where the truck driver has better visibility. Lingering in a truck’s blind spot while passing can be extremely dangerous. A driver should complete the pass as efficiently as possible while maintaining a steady speed.

On the subject of going in front of big rigs, don’t cut them off. These trucks require significantly more distance to come to a stop compared to smaller vehicles. When merging or changing lanes in front of a big rig, leave ample space. A sudden lane change without enough room can result in the truck being unable to brake in time, leading to a dangerous situation.

Speaking of lane changes, be cautious here as well. Since these trucks have large blind spots, sudden lane changes may put a vehicle in a position where the truck driver cannot see it. Moving carefully and deliberately when changing lanes, especially near large trucks, can prevent crashes. 

Belal Hamideh: Semi Truck Accident Lawyer for You 

Collisions involving semi-trucks occur for a variety of reasons. Truck drivers, mechanical failures, environmental factors, and the like are very usually responsible. That said, following the above advice gives you a better chance to stay safe on the road. Road safety is a shared responsibility, and taking the necessary steps to drive cautiously around large trucks can help prevent devastating consequences.

If you or someone you love were hurt in an accident involving a big rig, Semi truck accident lawyer Belal Hamideh can help you and yours to recover maximum compensation. To see how Belal can help, schedule a free case evaluation. 


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