Person Hit in Face With Beer Bottle in Traffic Collision

victims of vehicular accidents

YUBA SUTTER, Calif. – According to the CHP, victims of vehicular accidents faced a harrowing incident. The California Highway Patrol (CHP) reported a distressing event. They informed a person was struck in the face with a beer bottle during a traffic collision.


Friday afternoon, at approximately quarter after 1 PM, a vehicle was involved in an accident. Reports informed the incident included one person getting hit in the face with a beer bottle. Initially, the authorities thought that the person had been hit in the face with a rearview mirror, but that was amended to a beer bottle. Authorities are unsure how this occurred, but the investigation is ongoing. 


Belal Hamideh has been assisting victims of vehicular accidents in securing rightful compensation for many years. With his extensive experience, he is well-equipped to ensure you receive what you’re entitled to for your ordeal. For a free case evaluation and a detailed discussion of your situation, contact Belal via our website or give us a call.

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