Understanding California Driving Laws: A Comprehensive Guide

personal injury attorney

Sacramento, CA  (ABC10) As a dedicated personal injury attorney, Belal Hamideh emphasizes the importance of knowing and following California’s driving laws to ensure road safety and avoid legal consequences. California has a complex set of driving laws and regulations that all motorists must adhere to. This guide provides essential information on various aspects of driving in California.


Key Points:

Red Lights:

Drivers must make a complete stop at red lights and wait for the green signal. Running a red light can result in a fine of up to $500.

Brake Checking and Tailgating:

California law addresses these behaviors, and drivers should be aware of the rules and potential consequences.


Drivers entering a highway must yield the right-of-way to all traffic.

Expired Car Registration:

Driving with expired car registration can lead to penalties, including fines and suspension of driving privileges.

Mobile Driver’s Licenses:

California is piloting mobile driver’s licenses (mDLs), which can be stored on smartphones. The DMV aims to make mDLs permanent in the future.

DUI Checkpoints:

The CHP conducts DUI checkpoints to identify and apprehend impaired drivers. Law enforcement requires drivers to stop and submit to inspections at checkpoints. Although police cannot obligate drivers to submit to field sobriety tests or breath tests.

DUI Penalties:

Driving under the influence can result in severe penalties, including license revocation, fines, and fees.


If you have been involved in a car accident or have questions about California driving laws, consulting with a qualified attorney like Belal Hamideh can provide valuable guidance and support.


After a car accident, navigating the complexities of legal claims can be overwhelming. However, with the expert guidance of a dedicated car accident injury lawyer like Belal Hamideh, you can secure the compensation you deserve.


Belal Hamideh’s extensive experience and expertise in personal injury law make him the ideal advocate for your case. He will tirelessly work to protect your rights and obtain the maximum compensation possible.


Contact personal injury attorney Belal today for a free consultation.

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