Learn Your Rights with a Workman’s Compensation Attorney in California

workman’s compensation attorney in Long Beach

Suffering a workplace injury can be an incredibly frightening thing for you. Within a few seconds, you can find yourself starting to worry about your health, what has happened to you, how bad the injury may be and what you are going to do to make up for any lost income. When an injury happens at work, there are steps that need to be taken right away according to the law to help protect your rights and make sure you are taken care of properly. While you may not be immediately aware of just what should be done so you can be sure that you get proper payment and medical attention, you can get the protection and information you need when you turn to a workman’s compensation attorney in California to help you.

workman’s compensation attorney in California

Steps That Should be taken

As soon as you have been injured, your supervisor should be notified so that they can immediately start to fill out paperwork and file a claim about the injury. You will need to fill out information regarding the injury and the form needs to be filed in a timely manner with the Worker’s Compensation are of the insurance company that handles the insurance for your company. The company will assign someone to your case and you will be responsible for dealing with this person, filing forms, and providing information so that you can be sure the claim progresses as it should.

Keep Documentation of Everything

At this point, you may want to consider talking to a worker’s compensation attorney in California so that you can be sure everything is being handled legally and correctly so you can get the benefits you are entitled to at this time. A lawyer will work with you to make sure that you have filed forms correctly and kept documentation regarding everything about the accident and the process, including input from witnesses to the accident. All of this information can be important to help build a case for you.

Talk to the Right Lawyer

It is important that you speak to an experienced workman’s compensation attorney in California so that you can be sure you get the proper protection and representation for your case. You can arrange for a free consultation by calling the office of Belal Hamideh Law at 562-526-1224 . Belal Hamideh Law will work closely with you to protect your rights and make sure you get all of the treatment and compensation you are entitled to in your case.

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