How Long Will it Take to Settle My Motorcycle Accident Claim?

Your accident is unique, so the time your case takes will vary. Our team has helped many clients receive a settlement in just a few weeks, and we hope your case will be the same. However, some clients’ claims have taken years and even had to go to trial. We always fight aggressively for people like you who have been injured in an accident. For your case and for everyone else’s, we can say that the sooner you contact an attorney, the sooner we can get to work ensuring you receive all you’re entitled to.

motorcycle accident attorney irvine

Common Examples of Motorcycle Accidents

Perhaps the most common motorcycle accidents involve motorcycles colliding with (or being hit by) larger vehicles. This occurs often in and around California for various reasons, not least of which is that our city includes the Port of California, one of the world’s busiest commercial ports. Thousands of semi-trucks and other large vehicles enter and leave California daily, adding to the approximately 900,000 vehicles owned by city residents, all of which present many dangers to motorcyclists.

reach out to a motorcycle accident lawyer

The most common cause of motorcycle accidents is sadly, driving under the influence. Studies indicate that it accounts for roughly ¼ of all fatal motorcycle accidents. Other frequent factors include excessive speed, biker/driver inexperience, reckless/distracted driving, lane splitting, and more. Many factors are outside of the motorcyclist’s control, such as faulty/defective motorcycles, unsafe road conditions, visibility impairment, and others.

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If you are in a motorcycle accident, the most common injuries include broken bones, whiplash, road rash burns (which can be very severe), traumatic brain injuries (TBI), spinal cord injuries, and partial or total paralysis. Regardless of what you suffered in an accident, our team can assist you.