California Truck Accident Lawyer

california truck accident lawyer

Have you been involved in a truck collision? Are you or a loved one a victim of a truck accident? If your answer is yes, then Belal Hamideh can help. As an experienced truck accident attorney in California, he can provide you with a free case evaluation. There, he’ll let you know what your case is worth as well as how he can help. Hablamos Espanol. 

What Damages Can I Claim From a Trucking Accident? 

Both economic and non-economic damages can be claimed from a trucking accident. Economic damages include various expenditures, such as medical bills, therapy, counseling, ambulance charges, lost income, vehicle repairs or replacements, and compensation for catastrophic injuries that necessitate home modifications or in-home care.

Non-economic damages involve pain and suffering, emotional distress, disfigurement, loss of limb, quality of life, and loss of consortium (spousal companionship). 

The compensation you may receive for these injuries hinges on several factors, including the severity of your injuries and your level of fault in the accident. As your legal representation, we are committed to advocating for you vigorously. Our goal is to secure the maximum compensation possible for the hardships you’ve endured.

What Makes Truck Accidents Unique from Car Accidents?

Truck accidents often result in extreme damages and injuries. That’s due to many reasons, not the least of which is their enormous weight, which can reach up to 80,000 pounds when fully loaded.

So, the potential harm in these accidents is significantly higher than in other vehicular collisions. 

Remember: in a collision with a truck, your options for evading the accident can be limited due to the size and momentum of these vehicles. 

In the wake of a trucking accident, a truck accident attorney can be of immense help, aiding in medical care and providing assertive representation without any upfront charges.

What Causes a Truck Accident? 

Truck accidents can be caused by any number of factors. These can include but are in no way limited to:

  1. Fatigue: Overworking truck drivers can result in reduced reaction times, compromised decision-making, and even falling asleep at the wheel.
  2. Distracted Driving: Like all motorists, distractions such as texts, food, and the like can cause accidents.
  3. Unsafe High Speeds: Truck drivers, sometimes under the pressure of deadlines, may drive at speeds unsuitable for their hefty vehicles, making braking, slowing down, or stopping challenging.
  4. DUI/DWI: Drunk or drugged truck drivers create peril on the roads.
  5. Inadequate Maintenance of Trucks: Overlooked maintenance issues, like defective brakes, tires, wheels, or steering, can result in accidents.
  6. Truck Defects: Factory defects in trucks often increase accident risks more than is commonly perceived.
  7. Incorrect Loading: Even something as seemingly minor as unsecured cargo can lead to a catastrophic truck accident.
  8. Environmental Factors: Harsh weather conditions such as snow, ice, strong winds, or rain can lead to fatal accidents.

Those are but a few of the factors that can lead to an accident. Belal can help you to recover the compensation you deserve for all that you’ve been through. 

What to Do After a Truck Accident

Following a truck accident, the steps you undertake can significantly influence your case’s outcome. Those steps include: 

  1. Get to Safety. Don’t panic. Take a deep breath and remove yourself and others (if possible) from the potential for further harm. 
  2. Notify the Police: No matter the accident’s apparent severity, always report it to the police. They will register a report, which can serve as pivotal evidence for your claim.
  3. Get Medical Attention: Even if you feel no pain after the accident, medical attention is vital. Internal injuries may take time to manifest. Moreover, a medical record can further strengthen your claim.
  4. Gather Evidence: If safe, photograph your injuries, vehicle wreckage, and any environmental evidence.  
  5. Collect the Other Party’s Contact Information: Do this courteously and swiftly without conceding any blame.
  6. Reach Out to a California Truck Accident Attorney: Contacting legal aid as early as possible means they can begin working on your case sooner, securing the compensation you deserve.

Why Should I Reach Out to a Truck Accident Attorney?

Truck accident cases are notoriously intricate. Trucking companies and their insurers often engage in aggressive tactics to say the very least. Without proper legal aid, truck accident victims often struggle to stand up against these mighty entities.

These can include sending teams of investigators immediately after an accident. They tirelessly work to reduce your compensation. 

An experienced truck accident lawyer can steer your case expertly. They can single out all liable parties and construct a compelling case, ensuring you get the rightful compensation from each party at fault. 

Determining Responsibility in a Truck Accident

Establishing responsibility in a truck accident is typically more complex than car accidents. With truck accidents, multiple parties can be at fault. 

These can include the truck driver, trucking company, leasing company, cargo loaders, truck manufacturers, mechanics, and even the landowner where the accident took place. 

Our seasoned legal team can investigate so as to identify all the parties responsible for your accident, ensuring you receive compensation from each.

Partial Fault and Recovery

Even if you are partially responsible for the accident, you can still recover damages. In fact, you can receive proportional recovery based on your degree of fault. 

For instance, if you’re deemed 40% at fault, your compensation would be curtailed by 40%. Belal works diligently to assign responsibility accurately, ensuring you get fair compensation, regardless of partial fault.

Belal Hamideh: Your Trusted California Truck Accident Lawyer

You deserve a legal team with a track record of successfully tackling trucking companies and winning. Belal Hamideh can take your case, providing assertive representation to secure the compensation you are entitled to.

Don’t tackle a truck accident case all by yourself. Our seasoned legal team can guide you through the process, fighting relentlessly to safeguard your rights and secure the compensation you deserve after being injured in a trucking accident. We can turn your personal injury into a personal victory. 

You can schedule a free case evaluation with us through a message on our website or by phone.


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