A Worker’s Compensation Attorney in California Will Help You

a workers compensation attorney in long beach

Minor injuries can happen at the workplace all the time without any issues, but what happens when you sustain a major injury that causes permanent damage to your body? You may find you are unable to work for a long time, or that you are unable to do your job at all anymore. It can be a frightening proposition for you as you try to figure out how you will pay medical bills now and in the future, and how you will support yourself and your family. These can be challenging times for you, and you might feel unsure of just what steps to take as you try to move forward. In situations like this, speaking a worker’s compensation attorney in California like we have here at Belal Hamideh Law can help you tremendously.

a workers compensation attorney in long beach

An Attorney and Benefits

You may be unaware of what benefits you are entitled to because of your injury, but an experienced lawyer with a background in worker’s comp cases can help get your case moving in the right direction. After you discuss your dilemma with us, our law office will assist you in filing the proper paperwork as soon as possible so we can get a case started for you. With a permanent injury, you may be entitled to a permanent disability settlement that provides you with income for the rest of your life. You may also qualify to get your future medical care paid for, so you will not have to worry about paying your medical bills that relate to your injury.

Our Attorney Guides Your Case

When you hire us at Belal Hamideh Law to be your worker’s compensation attorney in Long Beach, you will get an experienced lawyer that will help guide your worker’s comp case right away. We spend critical time with you to discuss your options, ensure you receive the medical attention you need while your case is pending and keep you informed throughout the duration of the case with regular updates, so you know what is happening. We work to forge a relationship of trust with you so that you know you can rely on us to do the best job possible for you.

Contact Our Worker’s Comp Attorney

When you have suffered a severe injury on the job, you should contact a worker’s compensation attorney in California as soon as you can to make sure you get the protection and assistance you need. Here at Belal Hamideh Law, we are ready to help you and take your case so that you can get the settlement that will help you and your family now and down the road. Please reach out to us by calling (562) 526-1224, so you can talk to our staff and schedule a free, no-risk consultation with us. You can explain your situation and the help you need, and we will let you know just what we can do for you and how we can help you get the compensation you need.

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