What if UBER driver gets into an accident?

Should you encounter an accident while traveling with UBER, your first move ought to be securing your personal safety.

If your health permits, check on the wellbeing of others around you. In case of any injuries, make an immediate emergency call to 911.

Make sure to seek medical examination in any case, as injuries may be concealed by the shock. When law enforcement arrives, ensure to register a police report.

Collecting evidence should be given equal emphasis; obtain information from the Uber driver and others implicated in the accident, as well as any witnesses. If conditions allow, click photos of the crash site and any personal injuries, and jot down the accident’s precise location for future use.

In closing, seek expert legal counsel; you may be entitled to recompense, and a seasoned lawyer can help navigate this process.

The information above is valid whether you were an UBER passenger, driver, or were impacted by an UBER vehicle. Although it may be unfeasible to sue UBER, you could be eligible to receive compensation for your harm.

To know the truth about your case, contact experienced UBER accident lawyer Belal Hamideh.