Long Beach Accident Attorney


Have you or someone you love been injured in an accident? No matter what kind of accident you and yours have been through, the consequences can be devastating. As you work through your recovery, medical bills continue mounting, making a challenging time that much more difficult. Get help from a lawyer with experience. Belal Hamideh, accident attorney, has represented many who are in the position that you are now. Drawing upon that experience, he and the rest of the team here can help you to receive the maximum compensation you deserve. Hablamos Espanol. 

Do not worry about paying us. We don’t charge our clients fees unless we win. Our payment then comes out of your settlement, as we are paid on contingency. Thus, you don’t pay unless we win. With our 99% success rate, we know what it takes to represent clients like you aggressively and successfully.

We Handle All Accident Cases 

You’ll note that the above says “we handle all accident cases.” It does not say “we handle most accident cases,” “we handle a majority of accident cases” or anything of that nature. No. It says “we handle all accident cases.” If you have been in an accident, if you have been injured through someone else’s negligence and/or recklessness, then we can handle your case. 

Just some of the accident cases we handle include: 

Car Accidents

Vehicular accidents, even minor ones, can lead to lasting damage. We work to ensure that you receive maximum compensation. 

Bus Accidents

Due to the sheer size of the bus, the number of people involved, and other factors, bus accidents can be calamitous. 

Motorcycle Accidents

Most motorcycle accidents are not, contrary to popular belief, the fault of the motorcyclist. If you are in an accident where you’re on a motorcycle or struck by one, we may be able to help. 

Passenger Accidents

One moment you’re getting a ride in someone else’s car and the next you’ve been hurt in an accident. We use our experience to find who’s liable and bring the strongest case on your behalf. 

Pedestrian Accidents

When you’re walking along and in an accident, you don’t have any protection against the vehicle that struck you. We can help. 

Bike Accidents

Bicycling is a popular, fun way to not just travel but to stay in shape. If you’re hurt in an accident, you shouldn’t have to settle for less than you deserve. 

Truck Accidents

Big Rigs, 18-wheelers, and the like can cause massive injuries, chain reaction accidents, and worse. 

UBER and Lyft Accidents

Whether you’re a passenger or driver, we can draw upon our experience with rideshare accidents to find the truth and utilize it on behalf of your case. 

Construction Accidents

Even the most conscientious and careful construction workers can be injured in an accident on a construction site. 

Cruise Ship Accidents

Cruise ships are meant to be fun and enjoyable, but when you’re hurt in an accident, something must be done. 

Airplane Accidents

You don’t have to be injured in an airplane crash to have suffered an injury in an airplane accident. If you were hurt on an airplane, help is available. 

Product Defect Accidents

When you buy a product, essentially any product, you expect it to work as it should. When a defective product injures you and yours, we can bring a suit against the liable party or parties. 

Slip and Fall Accidents 

When you’re on someone else’s property, in their store, etc., and you slip, fall, and are injured, not only can you receive compensation, but bringing a case against the liable party can help others who would have been injured as well. 

Dog Bites 

Dogs are, truly, man’s best friend. But, when someone can’t control their dog (or other animal) and it leads to an attack which leaves you injured, it may be time to file a lawsuit. 

Wrongful Death Cases 

In the most tragic accident, a loved one’s life is lost. We can help you to recover compensation so as to pay for any bills accrued due to their accident as well as to start the next phase of your life. 

Again, these are just a small sampling of the accident cases Belal and the team handle. If you believe that you were injured in an accident, it’s worth reaching out to us. 

Benefits You’re Entitled To From Your Accident 

Each accident is different. There are any number of factors which could influence the benefits that you are entitled to. In California accident cases, there are economic and noneconomic benefits. We can help you to recover all of the benefits you deserve, be they economic or noneconomic. 

Economic damages include medical bills that have accrued as a result of the accident. Rehab, medical treatment, hospital stays, doctor’s visits, transportation to and from, etc. 

Depending on the severity of your accident, maybe you haven’t been able to return to work in the same capacity you did or, unfortunately, were unable to return to work at all. We can help you to recover wages you lost on account of being unable to work due to the accident. In fact, if you are unable to work, we can help you to recover wages that you would have made had you been able to continue working in the future. 

Noneconomic damages cover pain, suffering, loss of enjoyment, loss of consortium, and so forth. These are just some of the benefits that you may be entitled to. 

In the event that you don’t have a medical care provider, we can connect you to medical care providers we trust who also work on contingency. That way, you and yours can get the care that you need. 

We Find Who’s Liable for Your Accident 

Many different parties may be liable for your accident and subsequently, any injuries that you suffered. Often, while it may seem obvious who is liable, they might not be the only party liable. 

For example, in many car accident cases, the other driver is liable. They were operating their vehicle in a reckless and/or negligent manner, perhaps they ran a stop sign, they hit you, and that led to your injuries. 

But, perhaps the roads had been ill-maintained by the governing body that was meant to take care of them. Perhaps there was a defect in your car that contributed to the severity of the accident. All of these parties may also be partially responsible as well. 

That’s true for just about any case, not just those involving a car accident. In a truck accident, for example, the driver may be liable, yes, but those who employed the driver might be liable as well. The people who loaded the truck improperly, the mechanic that “cut corners” with their job, and so forth – many parties can be liable. 

From product defect cases (where the liable parties can include manufacturers, distributors and more) to construction site accidents (where the companies that made the tools and others can be liable) we can find who’s responsible and do everything in our power to make sure that you receive maximum compensation from all liable parties. 

What You Should Do If You’re In An Accident of Any Kind 

First, get yourself out of harm’s way. That could mean getting to the side of the road, removing yourself from a construction site, getting away from a defective product, and so forth. 

Check on those around you for the extent of their injuries. Other passengers, drivers, pedestrians, and so forth. 

If you were involved in an accident involving another person, get their contact information, insurance, and so forth. This is especially pertinent for a vehicular accident (involving cars, motorcycles, trucks, bicycles, etc). Do so in a polite, cordial tone. Don’t say more than you have to and, very importantly, do not say anything that could be taken as admitting fault in any way. 

To the extent that you can do so safely, take pictures of the accident. If it’s a car accident, get pictures of the vehicles, environmental damage, injuries that you and others have sustained, and so forth. 

For product defect injuries, get pictures of any injuries as well as the product itself. If you can do so safely, keep the product. No matter what kind of accident you’re in, you want to collect evidence of the accident site, particularly in the immediate aftermath of the accident. 

Contact the authorities. Even if you don’t think anyone was injured, even if it seems minor, it’s worth contacting the authorities. If you were in a vehicular accident, contact the police. If nothing else, they will generate a report which will help your case eventually. 

Seek professional medical help. In many accidents, those injured may feel that they are “fine” in the immediate aftermath of the accident only for them to be in shock, “running on adrenaline,” so to speak, and actually unaware of the severity of their injuries. By getting professional medical attention as quickly as possible, you give yourself the best chance of a full recovery. 

Contact your agent and/or your insurance company. 

Once you’ve done all of that, reach out to us. We can provide you with a thorough case evaluation to figure out how we can best help you and your case. 

Accident Case Confidential Settlement – $912,000.00

Our client, a driver for Lyft, was rear-ended by another driver. Following an investigation and hours of negotiation, we were able to collect insurance payments from the driver who was at-fault. However, on top of that, we were also then able to collect the remaining amount from Lyft. This enabled us to help our clients to receive all of the compensation that they deserved. 

On the other hand, there was a passenger in our client’s vehicle that we did not represent. This passenger was represented by another law firm. That passenger only received a total of $88,000 for everything they went through as a result of the accident. Our client, however, collected $912,000. 

Yes, You Can Receive Compensation if the Accident Was Partially Your Fault 

In California, there are rules called “comparative negligence.” This means you can receive a proportionate amount of recovery depending on how much of the accident was your fault. So, if you were 40% at fault for the accident, you’d receive 40% less compensation than you would have if the accident had not been your fault at all. 

This is one more reason why it’s so important to reach out to an attorney. Instead of wondering, we can let you know the truth about your case. The worst case scenario: we tell you that we aren’t sure how strong your case is, and thus aren’t sure if we can help you. But, you very well may have a strong case you deserve to be compensated for. 

Don’t Wait to Reach Out to An Attorney 

The sooner you reach out to contact an attorney after an accident, the better. In California, the statute of limitations for accident cases tends to be two years, but, depending on the case, it can actually be much less. 

Moreover, the other side will be working on your case right away. They won’t be wondering whether or not you have a case, they’ll be doing what they can to ensure you receive little to no compensation. They could try any number of tactics to achieve this: pestering you with frivolous questions, offering one lowball offer another, trying to trip you up worse. The sooner you contact us, the sooner we put a stop to that and get to work on your behalf. 

Accident Attorney to Turn Your Injury Into a Victory 

The period after an accident may be one of the most difficult in your entire life. It’s natural to feel like the last thing you want to do is to reach out to an attorney. However, we can’t just help you through this time but also turn it into a victory. While you recover, we can be hard at work on your behalf, taking on the insurance companies so that you can receive compensation for everything that you’ve been through. 

Belal Hamideh is a genuinely compassionate attorney. When he says that he cares about his clients and families, it’s not talk. Indeed, it’s backed up by several years of not just great settlements, but the connections he’s made to his clients. His portfolio speaks for itself, as does the compensation he’s won on behalf of his clients. 

If you or someone you love has been injured in an accident, we encourage you to reach out to us as soon as you can to an attorney who really can help. Schedule a free consultation today via phone call or through the contact form. 


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