How a Construction Site Accident Lawyer Can Help You

Construction Site Accident Lawyer

Did you get hurt while working construction? Are you wondering if you might have a case? Belal Hamideh, construction site accident lawyer, has helped many who are in the exact position that you are right now. When you work construction, you do your best, so, those whose job it is to make your workplace safe should work just as hard for your safety as well. If you think there’s even a chance you were injured working construction, schedule a free case evaluation today. Belal Hamideh can help in a variety of ways. 

Determine What Kind of Case You Have 

If you’re injured working your job in California, whether it’s on a construction site or anywhere else, then you’re eligible for workers’ compensation. Your company cannot retaliate against you. That said, if you’re injured on a construction site and a third party is liable who is not your employer, then you very well may have a personal injury case as well. 

An example of this would be if, say, you used a forklift working construction and the forklift was in some way defective, directly causing your injury. If that’s the case, then Belal could bring a case against all responsible parties, helping you to recover maximum compensation. 

Prove What Needs to Be Proven 

When Belal and the team take a construction accident case, we have to show that the liable party had a legal obligation or duty to you that they did not meet. To continue the analogy above, the company that made the forklift had an obligation to provide a forklift that worked properly when used as it was intended to be used, etc. We also have to show that your injury (and the accident itself) occurred at the construction site. 

Claim the Damages You Deserve

Construction injuries can be particularly devastating. With so many large machines, high scaffolding, and the like, these injuries can be very harmful. If you were injured in a construction site accident, we can help you to receive compensation for any medical bills that you owe as a result of the accident. That includes trips to the doctor’s, medications, rehab, therapy, and more. 

This can also cover any wages that you lost from being unable to work due to the accident. You may be owed compensation for your pain, your suffering, your loss of enjoyment of life, and other non-economic damages. When you reach out to us for a free case evaluation, Belal will let you know exactly what damages you can claim. 

Construction Site Accident Lawyer

Contact a Construction Accident Lawyer Today 

It’s understandable to want to just recuperate and not think about exploring a construction site case. However, the sooner you act, the better. You have two years from the date of the injury to bring a case. That time can go by sooner than you think. Belal and the team here work on contingency. That way, you don’t have to pay unless we win and if we do, our payment will come out of your winnings. Schedule a free case evaluation today.