What the Best Accident Attorney in California Recommends to Avoid Accidents

best accident attorney in Long Beach

No one wants to get in an accident, not just because of the potential health hazards, but also because of the long legal and bureaucratic process that they entail. If anyone knows this, it’s Belal Hamideh, the best accident attorney in California. He has, after all, dealt with some pretty bad accidents. The best way to deal with an accident is to avoid them in the first place, and Mr. Hamideh has some recommendations on what you can do to prevent accidents on the road.

best accident attorney in California

The Importance of Caution

Driving is about caution. However, most of us are so used to driving on a daily basis that it becomes second nature. While this might seem more comfortable for us, it’s important not to let it lull us into a false sense of security. It is, after all, important to be aware of the driving conditions and to be confident in one’s own actions. If it’s raining, for example, you need to reduce the speed you drive due to limited visibility and wet pavement. If you are driving down a curving road, avoid passing other vehicles, and be careful at the time of making turns. Here are some recommendations from the best accident attorney in California.

As a Driver

Whenever you are at the wheel, you have a big role in preventing accidents. Sure, most of it is pretty self-explanatory, such as following traffic guidelines, never driving after drinking, and doing your best not to get distracted. There are three principles that are commonly regarded as the key components of safe driving. These are:

  • Being in control of the vehicle and aware of its size and capabilities.
  • Reading and reacting to the conditions of the road, the environment, and the weather.
  • Being alert in regards to the behavior of the other drivers on the road.

It’s important to know that these require effort and that mindlessly assuming that one is a good driver is far from enough if you want to drive safely.

As a Passenger

Always remember that drivers aren’t the only ones that can cause accidents. Passengers, for example, can just as easily lead to a collision if they’re being careless. They can distract the driver, making an accident much more likely, as well as startle or inconvenience them in a way that can disrupt the driver significantly. A passenger should do whatever they can to keep the driver focused on the road, which means not encouraging them to look at something specific, helping with navigational tools, and letting them concentrate whenever it’s most necessary. Additionally, avoid any loud noises or sudden motions that could potentially distract the driver. Sure, you’re not at the wheel, but that doesn’t mean you are free of responsibilities.

Best Accident Attorney in California

If you were involved in a traffic collision and have questions regarding possible legal action, reach out to Belal Hamideh, the best accident attorney in California, by calling him at (562) 526-1224. Don’t wait much longer to get the compensation that you are entitled to following an accident.

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